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Consideration MCQ

1 / 11

If there is no consideration, then _________.

2 / 11

A valid consideration has the following essential elements :

3 / 11

The latin term “quidpro quo” refers to :

4 / 11

Past consideration means _________.

5 / 11

An agreement not supported by consideration is called:

6 / 11

A stranger to a contract _________.

7 / 11

A stranger to a consideration _________.

8 / 11

A promise to pay a time-barred debt must be :

9 / 11

In India, a person who is stranger to the consideration _________.

10 / 11

A promise to pay a time barred debt is enforceable, if some conditions are fulfilled. Which of the following conditions is not required?

11 / 11

X promised Y, a priest, to pay ₹ 10,000 as char-ity. The priest on X’s promise incurred certain liabilities towards the repairing of the temple to the extent of ₹ 7,500. Y, the priest, can recover from X _________.

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Consideration T/F

1 / 17

Inadequacy of consideration does not affect the validity of a contract.

2 / 17

A stranger to the contract can enforce the contract.

3 / 17

Consideration is essential for the validity of a contract in all cases.

4 / 17

Forbearance to sue or compromising disputed claim is no good consideration.

5 / 17

A stranger to the consideration can enforce the contract.

6 / 17

Consideration must move simultaneously with promise.

7 / 17

Consideration need not be material and may even be abstract.

8 / 17

Inadequacy of consideration cannot be taken into account by the court in determining whether the consent was given freely.

9 / 17

According to the doctrine of “Privity of contract”, a stranger to a contract, if he is beneficiary cannot enforce the contract.

10 / 17

Past consideration is no consideration.

11 / 17

No consideration is required to create agency.

12 / 17

Adequacy of consideration is essential for validity of a contract.

13 / 17

A promise to pay a time barred debt is not enforceable.

14 / 17

Consideration may move even from a person who is not a party to the contract.

15 / 17

In discharge of the whole claim, a party to the contract agrees to accept a lesser amount than due, from the other party is a valid contract inspite of inadequate consideration.

16 / 17

In the Indian Law, consideration must move from the promisee only.

17 / 17

The manufacture of goods can enforce conditions imposed upon the dealer against the sub-dealer.

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The average score is 61%
