Ch 5 Organizations Facilitating Business Quiz - CA Foundation

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Ch 5 Organizations Facilitating Business Quiz 1

1 / 20

In ________, the Union Government enacted the Industries Develop-ment and Regulation Act.

2 / 20

Business facilitator is/are those:

3 / 20

_________ helps create and grow young business by providing them with necessary support and financial and technical services.

4 / 20

Which, one of the following is a “Point of Contact” Business facilitator?

5 / 20

_______ is the national level apex organisation for entrepreneurship development.

6 / 20

Which one of the following is the industry specific business facilitator?

7 / 20

_________ is the rule setter for fair play in business provides the business facilitation.

8 / 20

The _________ is regarded as the watershed development in business facilitation in India.

9 / 20

The detailed organisation and implementation of a Complex operation is called as _________.

10 / 20

Which one of the following is the funding institution.

11 / 20

SEBI, RBI & IRDA are ________.

12 / 20

Which one of the following is not a non-funding Institution?

13 / 20

The Institute ________ aims to enhance India’s image as a sourcing partner and investment destination.

14 / 20

The Entrepreneurship Develop-ment Institute (EDI) render :

15 / 20

Who regulates the currency in the country?

16 / 20

The Central Office of the Reserve Bank was initially established in ________ but was permanently moved to ________ in 1937.

17 / 20

Which of the following scheme has been introduced by Government for furthering and facilitating Indian Business?

18 / 20

At present, in India, we have ________ Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Institutes.

19 / 20

________ focuses on training the trainers in entrepreneurship development.

20 / 20

The RBI has been vested with ex-tensive power to control and supervise commercial banking system under the:

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Ch 5 Organizations Facilitating Business Quiz 2

1 / 20

The Reserve Bank’s affairs are governed by ________

2 / 20

Which institution includes money market and forex market.

3 / 20

The RBI has been vested with ex-tensive power to control and supervise commercial banking system under which Act?

4 / 20

Which of the following is not a function of RBI?

5 / 20

Who is the custodian of the nation’s foreign exchange reserves?

6 / 20

____ represents the ratio of liquid assets of the banks to their deposit liabilities.

7 / 20

Which of the following can be the expiry period of Treasury Bills?

8 / 20

Which of the following statements about RBI is incorrect?

9 / 20

The RBI ________ Treasury Bills on behalf of in ________ order to wipe away excess liquidity in the economy.

10 / 20

The Reserve Bank of India being the Central Bank of India performs all the central banking functions. Which one of the following is not the Tunctions of RBI?

11 / 20

_____ has been entrusted with the task of collection and compila-tion of statistical information relating to banking and other financial Sectors of the economy.

12 / 20

Which condition, or which is not true out of options about bank rate?

13 / 20

Which of these is a regulatory institution?

14 / 20

Which of the following is not a function of RBI?

15 / 20

_______ is the rate of Interest offered by RBI, when bank deposit their surplus funds with the RBI for short periods.

16 / 20

The rate at which Bank borrows money from the RBI against pledging or Sale of Government Securities to RBI is known as:

17 / 20

RBI provides loans to the banks either by direct lending or by redis-counting the bills of commercial banks and treasury bills. It is known as:

18 / 20

If the current bank rate is 6.25% and RBI decreases it by 20 basis point, then new rate will be:

19 / 20

One percent is equivalent to ________ basis points.

20 / 20

The RBI usurps the funds of RBI via stipulating:

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Ch 5 Organizations Facilitating Business Quiz 3

1 / 20

Which one of the following is not digital payment mechanism of funds transfer?

2 / 20

Which one of the following is not digital payment mechanism of funds transfer?

3 / 20

Which one of the following is not digital payment mechanism of funds transfer?

4 / 20

Which one of the following is paper based mechanism of funds transfer?

5 / 20

SEBI has its Western Regional Office in:

6 / 20

The Chairman of SEBI is appointed by ______

7 / 20

The headquarters of SEBI is situated in ________.

8 / 20

Who was the regulatory body for controlling financial affairs in India before SEBI?

9 / 20

The Central Board of Directors of RBI is appointed by:

10 / 20

In April 1988, the SEBI was con-stituted as the Regulator of Capital Markets in India under:

11 / 20

How many members of SEBI Board are nominated by RBI?

12 / 20

SEBI Function Consists of:

13 / 20

SEBI has several functions rolled into one body. Which one of the fol-lowing is not the function of SEBI?

14 / 20

The first appeal of Securities Ex-change Board of India.

15 / 20

Where can the first appeal against SEBI be made?

16 / 20

SEBI has to be responsive to the needs of groups, which constitute the market:

17 / 20

Which one of the following is the power of SEBI?


18 / 20

Who was the regulatory body for controlling financial affairs before SEBI?

19 / 20

For the discharge of its functions efficiently, SEBI has been vested with the following powers:

20 / 20

Where can the second appeal are made against SEBI?

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The average score is 15%


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Ch 5 Organizations Facilitating Business Quiz 4

1 / 20

SEBI has to be responsive to the needs of which group?

2 / 20

The regional office of SEBI is not located in:

3 / 20

When was SEBI constituted?

4 / 20

The Securities Appellate Tribunal is a member Tribunal.

5 / 20

With increased competition, the producers have the following benefits except:

6 / 20

Which of the following is a func-tion of SEBI?

7 / 20

Which one of the following state-ments is incorrect?

8 / 20

SEBI drafts repletion in its ________ capacity whereas the rules and orders are passed in its ________ Capacity.

9 / 20

How many members of SEBI should be from RBI?

10 / 20

Competition Commission of India is formed:

11 / 20

The Competition Act, 2002 pro-hibits.

12 / 20

Competition law is a tool ________.

13 / 20

Which one of the following is not a benefit of free and fair Competition?

14 / 20

The Competition between Me Donald and Burger King, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Pizza Hut and Dominos, etc. are the examples of :

15 / 20

The following are the objectives of the establishment of the Competition Commission except:

16 / 20

What is the constitution of Com-petition Commission of India?

17 / 20

Which of the following is increased about the competition Commission of India (CCI)?

18 / 20

With the enforcement of the Com-petition Act, 2002, the ________ shall stand repealed.

19 / 20

Which one of the following is not the role of the Competition Commission of India?

20 / 20

The preamble to the Competition Act does not include:

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Ch 5 Organizations Facilitating Business Quiz 5

1 / 19

NABARD is the most important institution in the country which looks after the development of the:

2 / 19

Which of the following role is not discharged by NABARD?

3 / 19

Large number of SHGs have been linked to credit, resulting in an impor-tant Indian tool for microfinance, by the endeavour of:

4 / 19

NABARD looks after the develop-ment of the ________.

5 / 19

RRB Stands for ________.

6 / 19

NABARD refinances the financial institutions which finances the:

7 / 19

NABARD is the most important institution in the country which looks after the development of the:

8 / 19

NABARD has a portfolio of Natural Resource Management Programmes involving:

9 / 19

________ is the pilot proiect of NABARD for digitization of SHGs.

10 / 19

Where is the headquarter of NA-BARD?

11 / 19

SHG stands for ________.

12 / 19

NABARD is also known for its:

13 / 19

Which of the following is a devel-opment bank?

14 / 19

NABARD serves as anapexfinancing agency for the institutions providing investment and production credit for promoting the various developmental activities in ________.

15 / 19

IRDAI role is to provide registration certification to life insurance compa-nies and responsible for ________ of this registered certificate.
I. Renewal
II. Modification
III. Cancellation
IV. Suspension

16 / 19

When was IRDAI constituted?

17 / 19

Which of the following reflects the functioning of IRDAI as a business facilitator?

18 / 19

Which Section of IRDAI Act, 1999 lays down the duties, powers and functions of IRDAI?

19 / 19

_______ is an autonomous apex statutory body which regulates and develops the insurance industry in India.

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