ICAI CA May 2024 Exams Postponement: Students’ Plea for Rights

ICAI CA May 2024 Exams Postponement: Students’ Plea for Rights


The demand to postpone the ICAI CA Intermediate and Final Exams 2024 has gained significant traction among CA students nationwide. As the exam dates clash with the 18th Lok Sabha general elections, students are grappling with the dilemma of exercising their democratic right to vote or focusing on exam preparation amidst election chaos. This blog delves into the growing concerns among CA aspirants and their plea for rescheduling the exams to ensure fair participation in both democratic processes and academic pursuits.

The Demand for Postponement:

Across social media platforms, CA aspirants, experienced professionals, and education experts are expressing concerns about the clash between exam dates and the need to vote. The prospect of having to choose between exercising one’s voting rights and fulfilling academic commitments has sparked strong demands for the ICAI to postpone the exams. Despite the increasing pressure, the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAI) has not issued an official statement on the issue.

Open Letter to PM Modi: Postpone ICAI CA May 2024 Exams Due to Clash with Elections

CA Archana Yadav’s open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlights the concerns of over 4 lakh ICAI students facing exams in May 2024. The letter points out the challenges of coinciding exam and election dates, citing potential disruptions like traffic congestion and campaign noise near exam centers.

Read the letter in below box:

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